I"ve been "memed"!

The inimitable Trish Morey has tagged me to play along with something I’ve never heard of before. The aim of this meme is to go to page 77 of my current wip (God, why am I not up to that already!!!), or my last work, then go to line 7 and quote the next 7 lines of the book. Since I seem to have been busily slack lately I’ll use His Last Chance at Redemption due out in August this year.  As I don’t have the book in hand yet I’m quoting from the Adobe  version – so apolgies if these lines don’t correspond later on. And it’s dialogue heavy so I added the last two lines so it made sense!

‘Is this your first time in Athens, then?’ she asked, shading her eyes against the sun as she looked up at him.

‘I come here to work, not play.’ He glanced at Ty and then back. ‘Is he heavy?’


‘Good. Danny will give you a tour of Proteus and see to anything that you need.’

‘Oh, what will you be doing?’

Her question caught Leo off guard and he didn’t know if it was the heat of the sun, or her annoying serenity, or the fact he’d just spent the better part of an hour pressed up against her in a stifling taxi, but his patience was shot. ‘If I wanted to answer to someone, Miss Somers, I’d have a wife.’


My lucky seven are:

Anne Gracie

Melanie Milburne

Leah Ashton

Caitlin Crewes

Sarah Morgan

Lucy King

Fiona Lowe

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