

Book Three Accepted!

Am SOOO happy! Editor just told me she loved tweaks I made to "Driving Her Crazy" (working title) and it's done and dusted. I can't tell you what an elated feeling it is. I read once that Rachel Gibson explained that writing a book for her was like pushing a boulder up a hill. By the time she got to…

Musing about Woody Allen - 24th June, 2012

I love Woody Allen"s work. Not all of it, but a lot of his stuff since Annie Hall, although I have yet to see his latest offering starring Owen Wilson - but that was from a lack of time more than anything. Not that I condone all the stuff about his divorce from Mia Farrow and subsequent marriage to Soon-Yi…

Everyone can leave a comment now...

Just updated my website and using this blog post as a test to make sure the "comments" section works on my blog. Really, I have nothing interesting to say except that today I was forced to sit in an Aston Martin as part of research for book three. Really tough! I am a bit of a car girl - it has…

Website updates!

Okay, so my lovely website designer came by today which I REALLY appreciated and showed me how to actually use the site! I'm a visual person and really need to "see" something to know how to do it. So everyone should be able to leave commens now on my blog. Which will be great fun because I love to connect with…