
Pooped! 11/5/2013

So up to last night I was giving up writing. Today I went shopping, read a Vanity Fair while having my hair cut and have started my next book. So I feel on top of the world again. Of course I haven"t finished the "old" book yet. I rang my editor last night pathetically begging her to read the mess…

Our new kitten - 19th April, 2013

What is it about kittens that make them so cute? We have a new one - a Tonkinese - and she is adorable. Unfortunately , our twelve year old Siamese is not of the same mindset as us. She can't stand the new addition but the funny thing is watching the tiny kitten chase the big old Siamese around the house.…

Finding Joe - 28th March

Saw this film a couple of weeks ago and it stayed with me so I thought I'd share. I love Joseph Campbell's work and this is a movie based on The Hero's Journey. It's about following your bliss and there are some wonderful life lessons in it. On another note it is EASTER! Yay. I love Easter almost more…

Yikes! 21st March, 2013

I have been woefully absent here! And with no real excuse up my sleeve other than I've been writing and mothering and project managing our house renovations and living. Out of those four, anyone who knows me would tell you that the house renovations takes up less than .1% of my week - but I needed a filler!!  I am…